Welcome to Sanshin Source! This is Sanshin Zen Community's library of context and in-depth information about our style of practice. Anyone is welcome to peruse and study our resources as our collection continues to grow. We've organized the content according to our practice vision diagram so that you can see the relationships between the elements. Intersecting these elements with each other gives interesting new insights into our practice. If you're looking for something specific, you might find our site map useful; you can see that below. Sanshin Source is a partner site to our main site, where you'll find schedules and calendars, event registration, tools for giving, and information on our temple and sangha. Get your Sanshin T-shirt here!
Want to see how all the pieces fit together? Visit our pages on the overall practice vision, our practice inside the temple (Lineage and Legacy), and our practice in the world (Sangha and Society). All of these are continuing work in progress -- both the practice and the pages. Watch us grow!
Site map