There's a lot of bowing in Zen practice. Bowing is an opportunity to practice respect, humility and selflessness. Sometimes we bow to the Buddha or bodhisattvas, sometimes to a teacher, and sometimes to each other. We even bow to our food before we serve and eat it.
Bowing is not a worshipful activity that invites us to become obsequious, pompous or self-conscious. We don't let our egos get in the way by comparing our bows with others'. Neither do we bow carelessly, tossing off a bow on the way to something or somewhere else. When it's time to bow, we just bow simply, sincerely and wholeheartedly..
Bowing is not a worshipful activity that invites us to become obsequious, pompous or self-conscious. We don't let our egos get in the way by comparing our bows with others'. Neither do we bow carelessly, tossing off a bow on the way to something or somewhere else. When it's time to bow, we just bow simply, sincerely and wholeheartedly..
Standing bows
Full prostrations